Vision & Aims

Our School Vision

Learning to value ourselves, others and the world.


‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'

Colossians 3:23 (New International Version)


'Education is the most powerful weapon which youu can use to change the world'.

Nelson Mandela 


Aims and Values:

Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Curriculum in Context document for our school.

The three I’s

We aim to:
• Provide a creative curriculum that is enjoyable and challenging and meets the spiritual needs of our pupils.
• Create an environment in which all feel respected, cared for and valued, demonstrated through our strong Christian ethos
• Work in partnership with parents, carers, the community, other agencies and the local church
• Recognise and celebrate achievements of every child, giving every one an equal opportunity to succeed
• Promote inclusion, tolerance and understanding including that of other cultures, traditions and religions
We value:
• Our ‘family’ atmosphere, and maintain this through good relationships and attitudes
• Our Christian ethos and heritage, which permeates through every area of school life
• Our commitment to high standards as we continue to strive for better
• Our links to the church and the wider community.

Our School Values

In 2024, our pupils, parents, staff and governors took part in a survey to identify the Christian values which were most important to them within the school setting.  

Our new school values are:

Thankfulness    Community   Perseverance   Courage    Trust    Compassion






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Artsmark logo Sing Up Platinum Award Internet Odyssey Primary Science Quality Mark Silver School Games Bronze

We would love to hear from you!

CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS