Owls 5/6 2024 - 2025
Mr Reeve
Welcome to the Owls Class
My school email: patrick.reeve@corringham.lincs.sch.uk
Welcome to the Owls Class!
We are a Y5/6 class of 33 pupils. The class teacher is Mr.Reeve and the Owls teaching assistants (on different days and times!) are Mrs. Milne, Mrs. Burnett and Mrs. Grundy.
We had a very busy term two with many different events, including; cross-country running at Lea Park; Multi-skills Athletics at TGA, Christingle, Christmas Choir and Ukulele band performances at Springthorpe and St Laurence churches; the Pantomime perfromance at the New Theatre Royal; the Christmas Fayre; a visit from local children's author Jenny Smalley; the Christmas Party and songs in the playground! Of course, we did lots of interesting work in the classroom, bringing our Children at War topic to a close and learning about the story of Anne Frank. We studied a range of poems by Michael Rosen, wrote our own poems and stories linked to our topic work
Our class topic in Term 3 is "Africa." We will be reading the novel, "Journey to Jo'burg" by Beverley Naidoo. It is a story set in South Africa during the years of apartheid. We will learn about the life and achievements of Nelson Mandela. Much of our Art, History and Geography will be linked to this theme.
In Maths lessons, our topics will include number calculations (BIDMAS), Decimals and Fractions, Time and Data, Units of measurements, Reasoning and Calculation Skills
Our Science topic is Life Cycles, Food Chains and Webs. We will also continue to look at Materials, considering where food and energy come from.
French lessons will be taught on Wednesday afternoons by Mrs L. Burnett.
Our RE topic this term is "Salvation" and Christianity.
PE lessons will be taught on Tuesday mornings by Ben, from Premier Education. The second half of the Owls will attend swimming lessons during terms 3 and 4, while the last term's swimmers will take part in PE at school on Thursday afternoons.
Don't forget to bring to school your achievements from home to share in our Friday assembly. Get your photo displayed on our achievement board!
There are plenty of extra opportunities for older pupils this term. Many pupils are already signed up and practising for the Young Voices concert in Sheffield on 14th February. The Swimming Gala will take place on 25th January. The choir and ukulele clubs will continue and new members are always welcome to join.
Please click on "Curriculum Overview" and the "Owls Long-Term plan," to find more details about our topics and events that will be happening throughout the year.
Here are some useful websites to look at to help you with this term's learning:
We've already have lots of fun using "Scratch," but practise at home to learn new skills!