Science at Corringham School
Science teaching follows the National Curriculum guidelines, providing a broad, relevant Science curriculum for all the children. For further details on how science is taught and progression is monitored, please see file below.
We teach a balance between knowledge and investigation skills, which we aim to develop through hands on experiences. Pupils are encouraged to solve problems by making close observations, planning, predicting, fair testing and recording their findings in a systematic way. We embrace opportunities to link Science with Maths and Literacy wherever possible, such as the collection of data in charts and tables and the presentation of knowledge in the form of information texts. A further focus of the subject is developing responsible attitudes towards the environment and all living things within our school.Our children learn about science through practical ‘hands on’ experiences wherever possible with scientific enquiry being an integrated aspect of the topics being studied.
Take a look at this year’s long term planning to see the topics covered in school below.
School Garden
We are fortunate to have our own school garden which is tended to by Mrs Cunningham, the garden club and children throughout the school. The children also use the garden as part of their hands on science: – growing plants, tending and caring for them, including the weeding and digging the vegetable and fruit beds / tyres. They have created a dinosaur area, fairy garden and mud pit all of which are frequented regularly by the children. A compost bin encourages children to help with recycling and taking care of the environment.
Lincolnshire School Challenge Update
Our Year 2 children attended the Lincolnshire Schools Challenge at the Lincolnshire Show and were amazing! They have all worked so hard this year on the Nature Nurture Project and were very excited to present their work to the visiting public and judges. Please take a look at the PowerPoint presentation which exhibits just a small amount of their work.
Whole School Science Day
Our whole school science day took place in February and was an opportunity for the children to work together in developing their science skills and knowledge. There was a great buzz around the school all day as the children took part in 10 different fun activities - Garden Art, Marble Runs, Chromatography, Dancing Raisins, Paper Planes, Rocket Mice, Magnet investigations, Making paint, Straw Pan Flutes and taking part in the Great British Bird Watch.
PSQM Science Award
We have attained the silver PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) which has included specific training for staff and supported raising the profile of science within school. Why not take a look at the Power Point below which was submitted.
Some Science Websites