
We offer a wide range of ICT opportunities to our pupils and believe in teaching the skills needed to access the technology on offer in the modern world.  Children use our laptops and iPads across the whole curriculum and each classroom has access to a interactive whiteboard and Apple TV.

eSafety is very important. We have assemblies and regular class discussions about the importance of using technology wisely and safely.  All teaching staff have received training in identifying and supporting e-safety concerns in the school and this is regularly updated.  Our e-safety governor is Mrs V Elwess and she too has accessed eSafety training.

This year our Y5/6 children receive a visit from the Schools Safety Partnership advisor Dan Hawbrook.  He will be talking to the children about e-safety and how to be safe when on line.

We send parents a copy of DITTO, an eSafety magazine to help keep parents up to date with issues.  This can be downloaded here or you can use this link https://www.esafety-adviser.com/latest-newsletter/ to get it sent straight to your inbox.

These are some other useful sites to support parents and children:

Files to Download

Artsmark logo Sing Up Platinum Award Internet Odyssey Primary Science Quality Mark Silver School Games Bronze

We would love to hear from you!

CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS