Badgers 1/2 2024 - 2025

Miss Doran


Spring Term 2025

The new Badgers have returned to school with enthusiam and energy! 

We have lots of fun lessons and interesting topics planned for this term that we cannot wait to start!

If you would like to find out more about what the children will be learning about next term, please see below our 'medium term plan' for Spring 2.



I have linked all parents to our class page on seesaw via email. We use seesaw to record evidence of the childrens learning and the children also record what they choose to do in Discovery time. Please have a look at your child's folder or the class journal if you are interested in what we get up to in school.



Homework is due every Friday AM and new homework is sent home on the same day (PM). Please support your child with completing their homework. 

Homework in Badger class also includes reading 3 times a week to an adult -  please record each read in your child's reading diary.


Reading & Phonics

We want to encourage a love for reading in our class. We have upgraded our class bookcase and the children cannot wait for storytime at the end of everyday!

We are following the phonics program 'Little Wandle'. This includes the children reading 3 times a week in school to an adult with a book that suits their ability but also challenges them.

We would also like to kindly ask if you could help to develop your child's reading skills at home. We will be sending home books via CollinsHub every Wednesday for your child to read three times a week. 



Please can you ensure all belongings are named to avoid items getting lost in school.

Our lockers are very popular with the children and have made a positive impact in keeping the corridors tidier and safer. If your child brings in a back pack, please ensure that these are of a reasonable size as they need to keep coats, lunch boxes, book bags, gloves, scarves etc in their lockers.

PE will take place every Tuesday. This will be outdoors and therfore, please ensure your child comes to school in appropriatley named PE kit. Swimming will take place on a Thursday. Group 2 will swim from January to Easter.

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CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS